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Participation of the Minister in the meeting of the CIS Ministerial Council

Participation of the Minister in the meeting of the CIS Ministerial Council




Participation of the Minister in the meeting of the CIS Ministerial Council





On 11-12 October, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Sirojiddin Muhriddin participated in the regular meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Bishkek.




In accordance with the agenda, the heads of the foreign ministries of the CIS member states considered more than 20 issues and exchanged views on topical issues of the international agenda and interaction in the Commonwealth format.




In his speech, S. Muhriddin stressed that the CIS remains one of the key platforms of multilateral relations for Tajikistan. The Minister noted that Tajikistan has also contributed to the implementation of the concept of the current chairmanship – in 2023, Dushanbe successfully hosted the events of the Interstate Council on Standardisation, Metrology and Certification, the Interstate Council on Space, as well as the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Justice of the CIS member states.

S. Muhriddin said that in the rapidly changing world, the CIS faces no less complex tasks than those solved over the past three decades. In this regard, he advocated the continuation of consistent joint work to improve all mechanisms of interaction, primarily on the basis of the decision adopted in 2016 on adapting the Commonwealth to the new realities.





At the end of the meeting, the ministers approved and submitted for consideration by the heads of state the issues on the conclusion of the Treaty on the Establishment of the International Organization for the Russian Language, the Action Plan for the Preparation and Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Victory in World War II (the Great Patriotic War) in the CIS in 2025, the Interstate Programme of Joint Measures to Combat Crime for 2024-2028, as well as a number of agreements and declarations.




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