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Mardin °C

Azerbaijani musicians performed at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris

Azerbaijani musicians performed at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris




Azerbaijani musicians performed at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris

Azerbaijani musicians performed at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris

Famous Azerbaijani musicians and active members of Azerbaijani diaspora residing in France Saida Zulfugarova and Agharahim Guliyev took part in a concert organized within the framework of the conference dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the UNESCO Silk Roads Programme.

The performances of Saida Zulfugarova (piano) and Agharahim Guliyev (flute) were welcomed by the conference participants. Azerbaijani musicians performed “Ballad” by Jovdat Hajiyev, “Black Earth” by Fazil Say, plays for flute and piano by Fikret Amirov.




Azerbaijani national dances “Naz elema” and “Uzundera” were also performed at the concert.

Making speech before the concert, Assistant Director-General for Social, Human Sciences of UNESCO Gabriela Ramos, and ambassadors of organizing countries spoke about the rich cultural heritage of the countries situating on the Silk Road. Furthermore, samples of national-cultural heritage of the participating countries were demonstrated.

Exposition “Find your own Silk Road in Azerbaijan” by Azerbaijan Tourism Agency was held after the conference.



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