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Committee staff watched “Azeri Calgary Star” dance group’s rehearsal

Committee staff watched “Azeri Calgary Star” dance group’s rehearsal






Committee staff watched “Azeri Calgary Star” dance group’s rehearsal
10 April, 2023
Committee staff watched “Azeri Calgary Star” dance group’s rehearsal

Within the visit to Canada, the employees of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora got acquainted with the activity of “Azeri Calgary Stars” dance group which operates under the Azerbaijan Cultural Society of Alberta.





The guests were given detailed information about the activity of the creative team. It has been reported that Azerbaijani children of different age groups learn our national dances with great enthusiasm and interest.

Azerbaijani children promote Azerbaijani culture and music in Canada by actively participating in various events and festivals.

It was emphasized that activity of the dance group is of great importance from the point of promotion and preservation of rich culture of Azerbaijan, solidarity of our compatriots and strengthening of friendly relations among them.

The committee staff watched the rehearsal of the creative team and exchanged ideas regarding the support to prompt the group’s activity.

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