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Press Release Regarding the Agreement Between Kosovo and Serbia on Border Crossings With ID Cards

Press Release Regarding the Agreement Between Kosovo and Serbia on Border Crossings With ID Cards





No: 270, 28 August 2022, Press Release Regarding the Agreement Between Kosovo and Serbia on Border Crossings With ID Cards



We welcome the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia on border crossings with ID cards. We hope that the parties will agree on other matters, especially on license plate issue, at the earliest.

As it would be remembered, the tension rose in the north of Kosovo on 31 July due to arrangements on ID cards and license plates, then Kosovar side postponed those arrangements for 30 days. H.E. Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye talked on the phone both with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia on 31 July to defuse tension. Türkiye has also continued to call on parties to act with restraint.

Türkiye, as a Balkan country, attaches utmost importance to maintaining peace and stability in the Balkans and supports resolution of problems through dialogue, as well as initiatives to this end. Türkiye will continue to strive to maintain peace and stability in the region.





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