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The President holds a conversation with Stefan Oelrich, Member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG

The President holds a conversation with Stefan Oelrich, Member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG




International community

The President holds a conversation with Stefan Oelrich, Member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG

September 29, 2023
Berlin, Germany




During the meeting with Stefan Oelrich, Member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG and head of Pharmaceuticals Division, the prospects for cooperation in the areas of healthcare, sustainable agriculture and scientific research were discussed.



The Head of State emphasized Kazakhstan’s interest in access to Bayer’s latest medical products, as well as in opening laboratories and carrying out joint research projects.



Bayer AG is an international group specializing in biomedical solutions for healthcare and agriculture.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that Kazakhstan is actively working to develop a biotechnology cluster. He reported on the creation of a national biopharmaceutical holding company, QazBioPharm, which will implement developments in these industries and put them into production.




Potential measures to simplify procedures for importing new medicines into Kazakhstan were also a topic of discussion.




The Head of State believes that the creation of production facilities for the production of fertilisers, pesticides and other biochemicals used in Kazakhstan’s agriculture is of particular interest. In his opinion, there is significant potential for scientific and business cooperation, especially in the field of breeding and genetic engineering.


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